Monday, 29 June 2015

Summer TIME

Well, it is officially summer for us, and boy do I have time! I cannot remember a summer in the history of my life were I have had nothing to do at all but catch up and get things done! I've almost always worked, and at least part of the summer was some sort of vacation and traveling. This summer I have my in-laws coming for two weeks and we're traveling in China and that's it! I can't believe how much raw TIME I have. For those of you who really know me, you know that I like sleep. I like sleep a little too much.... In fact, if I don't have a reason to get out of bed, I might not until 4pm! Well, I have decided that this summer I will not do that to myself. I always feel horrible when I oversleep and then I am unproductive, then I get depressed because I'm unproductive, and downward we spiral until the summer is over and I have nothing to show for it. So far I've done fairly well at keeping a schedule, and haven't slept past 10am. WOW! I'm kinda proud of me right now! haha!

So with having so much time, I've decided to be as productive as possible. I made a list on my vanity mirror so I can remind myself that I have things I want to do, things like: journal, read, organize, plan vacations, etc. One of the things on my list is blog. So the next two weeks I'm going to do my best to blog! I have started several posts in the last couple of months and didn't have time to complete them and publish them so that they could be read. They might be a little out-dated, but it will be my way of catching up. I'm also working on my adoption education course I'm required to take, so I might give a little run down on that and why it is required.

For this post I'll give a short summary of what has happened in the last 2 months for our adoption and what will be coming up. First of all, we did have our home study, it went well (detailed post to come), and we have have a draft of the document almost ready. We've been working on our adoption education which is 10 hours of Hague education, a couple of videos and reading "the Connected
Child." We're waiting to complete our home study  because we have to send in and get back our Child Abuse Clearances and complete the education. Once that is complete we have to wait for confirmation from the USCIS to say that our home study is accepted and then we can begin working on our dossier. We may have to get bio-metric fingerprinting done, so we might have to go to Bangkok, Thailand - impromptu vacation? Darn!  Then once we submit all the paper in our dossier to Bulgaria we begin the wait to be matched with our children, OR we can start looking on the waiting
children's list and find our children; whichever comes first!

So for the next week (or two) I will be posting every day! So tune in tomorrow!

James 1:27

"We care for orphans NOT because we are the rescuers, but but because we are the rescued."- David Platt.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure & faultless is this: to look after orphans & widows in their distress.