Saturday, 19 April 2014

Easter Fundraiser Pictures!

This was our cookie assembly line!

A set of cookie mix jars without labels yet.

 This is what the cookie dough looks like with all the ingredients! Yum!

 Stephanie W. being one of my best-est friends and helping label jars.

 David is helping cut out business cards he made with my 
phone number, WeChat, and blog information.

 The cookie jar chaos.

 A look at what the jars vs. the mixed bags look like.

 Our production table. Recognize the background of our cover page?

 Stephanie helping with labels.

 Stephanie and me working on labeling and such.

 We're having so much fun!

 We're so happy with the finished products!

David and I, ready to sell them all to the world!

David at our fully set-up booth!

The jar set-up. I seriously can't believe that frame was thrown away!

 The hemp-side of the table with the pricing and our story.

I'm already to start selling my crafts!

Oh, look! A minion visited our booth! 

David's reaction to the minion is not quite as excited as mine!

There it is again!

My sweet student dropped by with his sister and they each bought a hemp creation, and he spent his own money on a jar of cookie mix. His mom also ordered a bracelet! Then, they proceeded to give me bread they bought from another booth AND the first toy for our adopted children! 
Seriously trying not to cry!

She wanted to see what it looked like on, so I took a picture and showed her. This is Wind.

I'm hard at work making more hemp creations to sell.

This little boy wanted to show David the Easter Egg he painted! He was adorable!

Panoramic of the surrounding area.

The crowd that was around us in the Easter Brunch festivities. 

David is fanning himself because it is SO hot inside this room!

My cousin Melissa at her booth, you can see our booth all the way down at the end.

Melissa at her booth.

My student came and visited for a while!

Our booth at the end of the day. Not as organized as when we first arrived!

David is sneaking the cookie we had out as display! I caught him!

Still caught, my love.

Oh, ok. He was just posing!

Hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I did!

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James 1:27

"We care for orphans NOT because we are the rescuers, but but because we are the rescued."- David Platt.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure & faultless is this: to look after orphans & widows in their distress.