My Classroom Door |
Luna - One Week Old |
Wow! Life sure got crazy for us quickly! We both started new roles in our jobs as teachers, me as a first grade teacher with a whole new curriculum and David teaching with a new curriculum and a new set of ESL students. We also got to welcome an old friend to China for the first time and help him get settled in. He has been staying with us for the past month while we try to find him an apartment. We also welcomed a friend back to China and she stayed with us for a while too! On top of all that, I found a kitten thrown away next to a garbage can, and I couldn't just leave her! David agreed to keep her until we could find her a home, but over two months later and still no luck. She was finally big enough to get her first shots today!
Our Table at Treasures! Opening Night |
Our friend Amber from TLC showing support! |
We did finally get our store front "Burgundy Willow" up and running, but the week it happened was so busy I had no time to keep everything updated. We didn't sell much the opening night because it was mostly the space renters there for the opening. It was a busy week for everyone in Dongguan, there was even a first birthday celebrated! We met a lot of new friends that night and made some new connections. I was told by a lot of people that my cookies were great and my stuffed animals were cute! Hopefully everything will get going full swing soon! My goal is to make a new stuffed animal every week, but I must admit that I'm not going to meet that goal this week! (and I haven't been able to do any since this summer, hopefully things will slow down soon!)
Our friend from TLC, Daniel Isaiah showing support! |
Danae handing out cookies to promote the cookie mixes |
David and I in front of our table |
Our table updated by Melissa. Looks Great! |
Updated Table |
Updated Shelf |
The planning is starting for fundraisers in the states, hopefully pretty soon! We will definitely be home February 14th- March 1st for Chinese New Year break. We're hoping to have our families help us put one together in the middle of our visit, go ahead and mark February 20-21 in your calendar as possible fundraising days! If you have any ideas or would like to help, let me, my mom or David's mom know!
Though our lives have been super crazy, and I haven't had much time to blog or work on fundraising, I feel like the time passing in itself is productive. We have to wait so much in this process. The very first thing we have to do, in fact, is to wait. I'm listening to a song right now "
While I'm Waiting" by John Waller, and it is so encouraging to me in this time. This time is not wasted, though I would much rather have my kids NOW rather than later, I still have time to lift up my babies to my Father and I have time to prepare to be the best mother I can be for these darlings that will enter my life.
I also have been searching Pinterest for ideas about fundraising and I found another
blog that listed some songs for the wait. They're absolutely amazing and I am so moved by so many! Many of them can be applicable to just parenting, so if you have kids you might want to check a couple out! She gives a little description of each so you can kind of tell which will be applicable and which will not be. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!