Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Silent Auction - Update!!

It's taken me a while to get this update on here! Mostly because of how crazy busy we got in the last several days we were home (including a meeting with a newspaper reporter!) and then, of course, jet-lag from flying all the way across the world. Honestly, I'm writing this in very, very short bursts, because I've been so tired! Finally feeling better now and laying off the Marathon of "New Girl," at least for most of the day! (sorry for the rabbit trails - further evidence of the jet-lagging!)

Well, we're very excited to announce...

Drum Roll, please...

We raised over $8,000!!!

The silent auction was a HUGE success! We had about 100 people show up, we sold almost every basket and item (!) and had tons of gracious donations! Thank you to everyone that came and showed us such amazing support of our adoption! We are so blown away by the sweet, thoughtful donations, both of items for the auction and monetary. We want to say thank so so much!

Our goal was $4,000, just enough to get us through the home study, and honestly, we weren't sure if we'd be able to raise that much in just ten days of being home! We were told by several people that they thought it wouldn't work out the way we thought it would. That maybe we should lower our expectations. And that maybe people wouldn't be interested in buying the themed baskets we put together. But I have to say, I'm really proud of how it ended up turning out and while there are things I would change, there are definitely things that I would do again! (Post to come later about that!)

We don't have many pictures, because everyone involved was pretty... well... involved! We were so busy during the event that it felt like it all passed in about 15 minutes! Here are the few pictures we have from the event:

Apparently, I left my SD card at my mom's house... so pictures will be updated later! Sorry friends!

Oh, last thing! We had an article written about us in the Bluffton Sun/Hilton Head Sun! Here's the link: We're on the March 3 issue, page 8/9!!! Eeeeekkk! So excited!

James 1:27

"We care for orphans NOT because we are the rescuers, but but because we are the rescued."- David Platt.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure & faultless is this: to look after orphans & widows in their distress.