About The Carrs

My husband David and I are Americans who live in China. We work as teachers here and we love it. We honestly desire to adopt a child from somewhere, anywhere in the world. This blog is our story, starting with our decision and hopefully ending with us as parents and a child in our arms. We are not infertile that we know of, we simply feel that God is calling us to adopt a child. The issue of how many orphans there are in the world has weighed heavy on my heart since I was a child. Even though we do not have much money or resources, we know that God's will and help is enough to get us to where we need to be. We are in the midst of fundraising to finance our adoption, but if for some reason our adoption does not work out, all the money raised will go towards helping orphans in some way or form. We have a local orphanage called Haven of Hope that is specifically for abandoned disable Chinese children, and that will most likely where we will donate it if our adoption does not happen. We are young, but we constantly remind people of I Timothy 4:12- "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity." We know we can not do this all by ourselves, and we are so thankful for any encouragement and support you can offer to help us bring our child home.

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James 1:27

"We care for orphans NOT because we are the rescuers, but but because we are the rescued."- David Platt.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure & faultless is this: to look after orphans & widows in their distress.